gul phenke hai auron ki taraf balki samar bhi

gul phenke hai auron ki taraf balki samar bhi
Mohammad Rafi Sauda
MORE BYMohammad Rafi Sauda
gul pheñke hai auroñ kī taraf balki samar bhī
ai ḳhāna-bar-andāz-e-chaman kuchh to idhar bhī
not just flowers, fruits as well, at others do you throw
O wastrel of the garden, some, this way too bestow
kyā zid hai mire saath ḳhudā jaane vagarna
kaafī hai tasallī ko mirī ek nazar bhī
God would know, as why with me, she is so obstinate
or else, for my contentment, just a glance is adequate
ai abr qasam hai tujhe rone kī hamāre
tujh chashm se Tapkā hai kabhū laḳht-e-jigar bhī
O nimbus cloud do swear upon / my tears and my sighs
have pieces of a broken heart / dripped ever from your eyes?
ai naala sad afsos javāñ marne pe tere
paayā na tanik dekhne tiiñ rū-e-asar bhī
O lament! your youthful death / a hundred times I grieve
the slightest hint, of consequence, I did not receive
kis hasti-e-mauhūm pe nāzāñ hai tū ai yaar
kuchh apne shab-o-roz kī hai tuj ko ḳhabar bhī
tanhā tire mātam meñ nahīñ shām-e-siyah-posh
rahtā hai sadā chaak garebān-e-sahar bhī
the Night's black garb is not alone / there in your lament
the ever-tattered collar of / the Dawn too is present
'saudā' tirī fariyād se āñkhoñ meñ kaTī raat
aa.ī hai sahar hone ko Tuk tū kahīñ mar bhī
'saudā', up in pleas and prayers, all night long you lie
dawn is round the corner, you might as well now die
gul phenke hai auron ki taraf balki samar bhi
ai KHana-bar-andaz-e-chaman kuchh to idhar bhi
not just flowers, fruits as well, at others do you throw
O wastrel of the garden, some, this way too bestow
kya zid hai mere sath KHuda jaane wagarna
kafi hai tasalli ko meri ek nazar bhi
God would know, as why with me, she is so obstinate
or else, for my contentment, just a glance is adequate
ai abr qasam hai tujhe rone ki hamare
tujh chashm se Tapka hai kabhu laKHt-e-jigar bhi
O nimbus cloud do swear upon / my tears and my sighs
have pieces of a broken heart / dripped ever from your eyes?
ai nala sad afsos jawan marne pe tere
paya na tanik dekhne tin ru-e-asar bhi
O lament! your youthful death / a hundred times I grieve
the slightest hint, of consequence, I did not receive
kis hasti-e-mauhum pe nazan hai tu ai yar
kuchh apne shab-o-roz ki hai tuj ko KHabar bhi
tanha tere matam mein nahin sham-e-siyah-posh
rahta hai sada chaak gareban-e-sahar bhi
the Night's black garb is not alone / there in your lament
the ever-tattered collar of / the Dawn too is present
'sauda' teri fariyaad se aankhon mein kaTi raat
aai hai sahar hone ko Tuk tu kahin mar bhi
'saudā', up in pleas and prayers, all night long you lie
dawn is round the corner, you might as well now die
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