wo jo hum mein tum mein qarar tha tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho

wo jo hum mein tum mein qarar tha tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
Momin Khan Momin
MORE BYMomin Khan Momin
vo jo ham meñ tum meñ qarār thā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
vahī ya.anī va.ada nibāh kā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
the love that 'tween us used to be, you may, may not recall
those promises of constancy, you may, may not recall
vo jo lutf mujh pe the beshtar vo karam ki thā mire haal par
mujhe sab hai yaad zarā zarā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
those favours that you did bestow, the kindness that you once did show
I can recall them all somehow, you may, may not recall
vo na.e gile vo shikāyateñ vo maze maze kī hikāyateñ
vo har ek baat pe rūThnā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
new complaints each every night, stories so full of delight
at every word your feigning slight, you may, may not recall
kabhī baiThe sab meñ jo rū-ba-rū to ishāratoñ hī se guftugū
vo bayān shauq kā barmalā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
sitting in midst of company, talking in gestures openly
that expression of love publicly, you may, may not recall
hue ittifāq se gar baham to vafā jatāne ko dam-ba-dam
gila-e-malāmat-e-aqribā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
if face to face we chanced to be, to constantly prove loyalty
those plaints of folks' rebukes to me, you may, may not recall
koī baat aisī agar huī ki tumhāre jī ko burī lagī
to bayāñ se pahle hī bhūlnā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
a word of mine if were to be, which hurt you to any degree
forgetting it most instantly, you may, may not recall
kabhī ham meñ tum meñ bhī chaah thī kabhī ham se tum se bhī raah thī
kabhī ham bhī tum bhī the āshnā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
friendship twixt us once used to be, a path there was from you to me
once I and you were not, but we, you may, may not recall
suno zikr hai ka.ī saal kā ki kiyā ik aap ne va.ada thā
so nibāhane kā to zikr kyā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
Long past though it appears to be,there was something you promised me
to fulfil each vow truthfully, you may, may not recall
kahā maiñ ne baat vo koThe kī mire dil se saaf utar ga.ī
to kahā ki jaane mirī balā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
vo bigaḌnā vasl kī raat kā vo na mānñā kisī baat kā
vo nahīñ nahīñ kī har aan adā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
you getting angry when we met, at everything getting upset
your nay saying I can't forget, you may, may not recall
jise aap ginte the āshnā jise aap kahte the bā-vafā
maiñ vahī huuñ 'momin'-e-mubtalā tumheñ yaad ho ki na yaad ho
the one you once held close to you, the one whom once you deemed as true
I am that distressed Momin, blue, you may, may not recall
wo jo hum mein tum mein qarar tha tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
wahi yani wada nibah ka tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
the love that 'tween us used to be, you may, may not recall
those promises of constancy, you may, may not recall
wo jo lutf mujh pe the beshtar wo karam ki tha mere haal par
mujhe sab hai yaad zara zara tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
those favours that you did bestow, the kindness that you once did show
I can recall them all somehow, you may, may not recall
wo nae gile wo shikayaten wo maze maze ki hikayaten
wo har ek baat pe ruThna tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
new complaints each every night, stories so full of delight
at every word your feigning slight, you may, may not recall
kabhi baiThe sab mein jo ru-ba-ru to ishaaraton hi se guftugu
wo bayan shauq ka barmala tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
sitting in midst of company, talking in gestures openly
that expression of love publicly, you may, may not recall
hue ittifaq se gar baham to wafa jatane ko dam-ba-dam
gila-e-malamat-e-aqriba tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
if face to face we chanced to be, to constantly prove loyalty
those plaints of folks' rebukes to me, you may, may not recall
koi baat aisi agar hui ki tumhaare ji ko buri lagi
to bayan se pahle hi bhulna tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
a word of mine if were to be, which hurt you to any degree
forgetting it most instantly, you may, may not recall
kabhi hum mein tum mein bhi chah thi kabhi hum se tum se bhi rah thi
kabhi hum bhi tum bhi the aashna tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
friendship twixt us once used to be, a path there was from you to me
once I and you were not, but we, you may, may not recall
suno zikr hai kai sal ka ki kiya ek aap ne wada tha
so nibahane ka to zikr kya tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
Long past though it appears to be,there was something you promised me
to fulfil each vow truthfully, you may, may not recall
kaha main ne baat wo koThe ki mere dil se saf utar gai
to kaha ki jaane meri bala tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
wo bigaDna wasl ki raat ka wo na manna kisi baat ka
wo nahin nahin ki har aan ada tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
you getting angry when we met, at everything getting upset
your nay saying I can't forget, you may, may not recall
jise aap ginte the aashna jise aap kahte the ba-wafa
main wahi hun 'momin'-e-mubtala tumhein yaad ho ki na yaad ho
the one you once held close to you, the one whom once you deemed as true
I am that distressed Momin, blue, you may, may not recall
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