shauq barahna-pa chalta tha aur raste pathrile the

shauq barahna-pa chalta tha aur raste pathrile the
Ghulam Mohammad Qasir
MORE BYGhulam Mohammad Qasir
shauq barahna-pā chaltā thā aur raste pathrīle the
ghiste ghiste ghis ga.e āḳhir kankar jo nokīle the
ḳhār-e-chaman the shabnam shabnam phuul bhī saare giile the
shāḳh se TuuT ke girne vaale patte phir bhī piile the
sard havāoñ se to the sāhil ke ret ke yārāne
lū ke thapeḌe sahne vaale sahrāoñ ke Tiile the
tābinda tāroñ kā tohfa sub.h kī ḳhidmat meñ pahuñchā
raat ne chāñd kī nazr kiye jo taare kam chamkīle the
saare sapere vīrānoñ meñ ghuum rahe haiñ biin liye
ābādī meñ rahne vaale saañp baḌe zahrīle the
tum yuuñ hī nārāz hue ho varna mai-ḳhāne kā patā
ham ne har us shaḳhs se pūchhā jis ke nain nashīle the
kaun ġhulām mohammad 'qāsir' bechāre se kartā baat
ye chālākoñ kī bastī thī aur hazrat sharmīle the
shauq barahna-pa chalta tha aur raste pathrile the
ghiste ghiste ghis gae aaKHir kankar jo nokile the
KHar-e-chaman the shabnam shabnam phul bhi sare gile the
shaKH se TuT ke girne wale patte phir bhi pile the
sard hawaon se to the sahil ke ret ke yarane
lu ke thapeDe sahne wale sahraon ke Tile the
tabinda taron ka tohfa subh ki KHidmat mein pahuncha
raat ne chand ki nazr kiye jo tare kam chamkile the
sare sapere viranon mein ghum rahe hain bin liye
aabaadi mein rahne wale sanp baDe zahrile the
tum yun hi naraaz hue ho warna mai-KHane ka pata
hum ne har us shaKHs se puchha jis ke nain nashile the
kaun ghulam mohammad 'qasir' bechaare se karta baat
ye chaalakon ki basti thi aur hazrat sharmile the
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