Poets/Writers From Karachi
Total: 514
Jazib Quraishi
Jawed Manzar
- Born : Karachi
Javed Saba
A notable Pakistani Poet, who deeply expresses solitude with seriousness in his Gazals
Jaun Eliya
One of the most prominent modern Urdu poets. Popular among masses for his unconventional ways
Jauhar Saidi
- Domicile : Karachi
Jauhar Abbas
Jamil Nazar
Jameel Wasti
Jameel Naqvi
Jameel Jalibi
Prominent Urdu critic, literary historian, linguist, and translator; also served as Vice-Chancellor of Karachi University and Chair of Urdu Lughat Board
Jameel Adeeb Syed
- Born : Rawalpindi
- Domicile : Karachi
Jamal Panipati
Critic and poet. Contemporary of Saleem Ahmed, another prominent modern critic
Jamal Ehsani
One of most prominent post-modern Pakistani poets, known for the uniqueness of his poetic experience.