Top 20 Sharab Shayari
Wine has always been
one of the most important topics of Urdu Poetry. In Urdu, wine poetry is commonly known as Sharab, Sharabi or Mai Shayari which includes Sher-o-Shayari on sharabi, sharab, nasha, maikashi and maikhana covering various styles, temperament, emotions and moods of Shayar and Shayari. Rekhta has created a list of 20 most popular shers on Sharaab. These have been selected based on the popularity as well as quality of each sher. We acknowledge that many good/better shers may not have been included in our list. Please feel free to suggest better shers in the comment section below. Our editorial team will consider those and may add to the Top 20 list, if found appropriate. Hope you enjoy the selection; furthermore, we look forward to your participation in enhancing the list.
- Aadmi/Insaan Shayari
- Ada Shayari
- Akhbaar Shayari
- Angdaai Shayari
- Barish Shayari
- Chaand Shayari
- couplets of nushoor wahidi
- couplets on dua
- couplets on eyes
- couplets on love
- couplets on mirror
- couplets on seperation
- couplets on tasweer
- couplets on tears
- Dard Shayari
- Deedar Shayari
- Dhoka Shayari
- Dil Shayari
- Dost/Dosti Shayari
- Duniya Shayari
- Farewell Shayari
- Heartbreak Shayari
- Husn Shayari
- Intizaar Shayari
- Khamoshi Shayari
- Kiss Shayari
- Kitab Shayari
- Lab Shayari
- Maut Shayari
- most quoted couplets
- motivational couplets
- Mulaqat Shayari
- Muskurahat Shayari
- Phool Shayari
- Sad Shayari
- Safar Shayari
- Sharab Shayari
- Tanhai Shayari
- Top couplets on New Year
- Train Shayari
- Visaal Shayari
- Wafa Shayari
- Waqt Shayari
- Welcome Shayari
- Yaad Shayari
- Zindagi Shayari
- Zulf Shayari
zāhid sharāb piine de masjid meñ baiTh kar
yā vo jagah batā de jahāñ par ḳhudā na ho
Priest I know this is a mosque, let me drink inside
Or point me to a place where God does not reside
zahid sharab pine de masjid mein baiTh kar
ya wo jagah bata de jahan par KHuda na ho
Priest I know this is a mosque, let me drink inside
Or point me to a place where God does not reside
Tags: Famous shayariand 2 more
ab to utnī bhī mayassar nahīñ mai-ḳhāne meñ
jitnī ham chhoḌ diyā karte the paimāne meñ
the tavern does not even give that much wine to me
that I was wont to waste in the goblet casually
ab to utni bhi mayassar nahin mai-KHane mein
jitni hum chhoD diya karte the paimane mein
the tavern does not even give that much wine to me
that I was wont to waste in the goblet casually
aa.e the hañste khelte mai-ḳhāne meñ 'firāq'
jab pī chuke sharāb to sanjīda ho ga.e
we came to the tavern all gay and frolicsome
now having drunk the wine, somber have become
aae the hanste khelte mai-KHane mein 'firaq'
jab pi chuke sharab to sanjida ho gae
we came to the tavern all gay and frolicsome
now having drunk the wine, somber have become
qarz kī piite the mai lekin samajhte the ki haañ
rañg lāvegī hamārī fāqa-mastī ek din
qarz ki pite the mai lekin samajhte the ki han
rang lawegi hamari faqa-masti ek din
go haath ko jumbish nahīñ āñkhoñ meñ to dam hai
rahne do abhī sāġhar-o-mīnā mire aage
let the cup and flask of wine remain in front of me
though my hands are motionless, my eyes as yet can see
go hath ko jumbish nahin aankhon mein to dam hai
rahne do abhi saghar-o-mina mere aage
let the cup and flask of wine remain in front of me
though my hands are motionless, my eyes as yet can see
'ġhālib' chhuTī sharāb par ab bhī kabhī kabhī
piitā huuñ roz-e-abr o shab-e-māhtāb meñ
'ghaalib' chhuTi sharab par ab bhi kabhi kabhi
pita hun roz-e-abr o shab-e-mahtab mein
Tags: Maikashiand 1 more
pilā de ok se saaqī jo ham se nafrat hai
piyāla gar nahīñ detā na de sharāb to de
if you despise me pour into my cupped palms, it is fine
give me not a glass but then, at least do give me wine
pila de ok se saqi jo hum se nafrat hai
piyala gar nahin deta na de sharab to de
if you despise me pour into my cupped palms, it is fine
give me not a glass but then, at least do give me wine
kuchh bhī bachā na kahne ko har baat ho ga.ī
aao kahīñ sharāb piyeñ raat ho ga.ī
kuchh bhi bacha na kahne ko har baat ho gai
aao kahin sharab piyen raat ho gai
Tags: Maikashiand 2 more
zāhid sharāb piine se kāfir huā maiñ kyuuñ
kyā DeḌh chullū paanī meñ īmān bah gayā
zahid sharab pine se kafir hua main kyun
kya DeDh chullu pani mein iman bah gaya
ai 'zauq' dekh duḳhtar-e-raz ko na muñh lagā
chhuTtī nahīñ hai muñh se ye kāfar lagī huī
ai 'zauq' dekh duKHtar-e-raz ko na munh laga
chhuTti nahin hai munh se ye kafar lagi hui
Tags: Famous shayariand 3 more
lutf-e-mai tujh se kyā kahūñ zāhid
haa.e kam-baḳht tū ne pī hī nahīñ
you've never drunk O hapless priest
The joys of wine how will you see
lutf-e-mai tujh se kya kahun zahid
hae kam-baKHt tu ne pi hi nahin
you've never drunk O hapless priest
The joys of wine how will you see
na tum hosh meñ ho na ham hosh meñ haiñ
chalo mai-kade meñ vahīñ baat hogī
neither are you in your senses nor am I in mine
let us now go to the tavern and talk while we have wine
na tum hosh mein ho na hum hosh mein hain
chalo mai-kade mein wahin baat hogi
neither are you in your senses nor am I in mine
let us now go to the tavern and talk while we have wine
'zauq' jo madrase ke bigḌe hue haiñ mullā
un ko mai-ḳhāne meñ le aao sañvar jā.eñge
'zauq' jo madrase ke bigDe hue hain mulla
un ko mai-KHane mein le aao sanwar jaenge
Tags: Maikadaand 1 more
piitā huuñ jitnī utnī hī baḌhtī hai tishnagī
saaqī ne jaise pyaas milā dī sharāb meñ
pita hun jitni utni hi baDhti hai tishnagi
saqi ne jaise pyas mila di sharab mein
sāqiyā tishnagī kī taab nahīñ
zahr de de agar sharāb nahīñ
saqiya tishnagi ki tab nahin
zahr de de agar sharab nahin
pahle sharāb ziist thī ab ziist hai sharāb
koī pilā rahā hai piye jā rahā huuñ maiñ
pahle sharab zist thi ab zist hai sharab
koi pila raha hai piye ja raha hun main
Tags: Maikashiand 1 more
tark-e-mai hī samajh ise nāseh
itnī pī hai ki pī nahīñ jaatī
tark-e-mai hi samajh ise naseh
itni pi hai ki pi nahin jati
Tags: Famous shayariand 4 more
shikan na Daal jabīñ par sharāb dete hue
ye muskurātī huī chiiz muskurā ke pilā
shikan na Dal jabin par sharab dete hue
ye muskuraati hui chiz muskura ke pila
ai mohtasib na pheñk mire mohtasib na pheñk
zālim sharāb hai are zālim sharāb hai
ai mohtasib na phenk mere mohtasib na phenk
zalim sharab hai are zalim sharab hai