Top 20 Phool Shayari
A blossom, or a flower,
is an image but it is also a simile, a metaphor, and a symbol. Its various colours represent various shades of life. They also represent transience as opposed to permanence. Even though it has become a cliché but some poets have used it as a repository of many more meanings than we may imagine. You may see some of them in this selection.
- Aadmi/Insaan Shayari
- Ada Shayari
- Akhbaar Shayari
- Angdaai Shayari
- Barish Shayari
- Chaand Shayari
- couplets of nushoor wahidi
- couplets on dua
- couplets on eyes
- couplets on love
- couplets on mirror
- couplets on seperation
- couplets on tasweer
- couplets on tears
- Dard Shayari
- Deedar Shayari
- Dhoka Shayari
- Dil Shayari
- Dost/Dosti Shayari
- Duniya Shayari
- Farewell Shayari
- Heartbreak Shayari
- Husn Shayari
- Intizaar Shayari
- Khamoshi Shayari
- Kiss Shayari
- Kitab Shayari
- Lab Shayari
- Maut Shayari
- most quoted couplets
- motivational couplets
- Mulaqat Shayari
- Muskurahat Shayari
- Phool Shayari
- Sad Shayari
- Safar Shayari
- Sharab Shayari
- Tanhai Shayari
- Top couplets on New Year
- Train Shayari
- Visaal Shayari
- Wafa Shayari
- Waqt Shayari
- Welcome Shayari
- Yaad Shayari
- Zindagi Shayari
- Zulf Shayari
vo to ḳhush-bū hai havāoñ meñ bikhar jā.egā
mas.ala phuul kā hai phuul kidhar jā.egā
wo to KHush-bu hai hawaon mein bikhar jaega
masala phul ka hai phul kidhar jaega
Tags: Ishqand 3 more
phuul to phuul haiñ āñkhoñ se ghire rahte haiñ
kāñTe be-kār hifāzat meñ lage rahte haiñ
phul to phul hain aankhon se ghire rahte hain
kanTe be-kar hifazat mein lage rahte hain
phuul gul shams o qamar saare hī the
par hameñ un meñ tumhīñ bhaa.e bahut
phul gul shams o qamar sare hi the
par hamein un mein tumhin bhae bahut
Tags: Chaandand 2 more
maiñ chāhtā thā ki us ko gulāb pesh karūñ
vo ḳhud gulāb thā us ko gulāb kyā detā
main chahta tha ki us ko gulab pesh karun
wo KHud gulab tha us ko gulab kya deta
Tags: Phooland 1 more
log kāñToñ se bach ke chalte haiñ
maiñ ne phūloñ se zaḳhm khaa.e haiñ
log kanTon se bach ke chalte hain
main ne phulon se zaKHm khae hain
ham ne kāñToñ ko bhī narmī se chhuā hai aksar
log bedard haiñ phūloñ ko masal dete haiñ
hum ne kanTon ko bhi narmi se chhua hai aksar
log bedard hain phulon ko masal dete hain
maiñ phuul chuntī rahī aur mujhe ḳhabar na huī
vo shaḳhs aa ke mire shahr se chalā bhī gayā
main phul chunti rahi aur mujhe KHabar na hui
wo shaKHs aa ke mere shahr se chala bhi gaya
kāñToñ se guzar jaatā huuñ dāman ko bachā kar
phūloñ kī siyāsat se maiñ begāna nahīñ huuñ
kanTon se guzar jata hun daman ko bacha kar
phulon ki siyasat se main begana nahin hun
Tags: Kantaand 2 more
aaj bhī shāyad koī phūloñ kā tohfa bhej de
titliyāñ mañDlā rahī haiñ kāñch ke gul-dān par
aaj bhi shayad koi phulon ka tohfa bhej de
titliyan manDla rahi hain kanch ke gul-dan par
Tags: Phooland 2 more
kāñToñ se dil lagāo jo tā-umr saath deñ
phūloñ kā kyā jo saañs kī garmī na sah sakeñ
befriend the thorns for they will be loyal until death
what of these flowers that will wilt with just a burning breath
kanTon se dil lagao jo ta-umr sath den
phulon ka kya jo sans ki garmi na sah saken
befriend the thorns for they will be loyal until death
what of these flowers that will wilt with just a burning breath
agarche phuul ye apne liye ḳharīde haiñ
koī jo pūchhe to kah dūñgā us ne bheje haiñ
agarche phul ye apne liye KHaride hain
koi jo puchhe to kah dunga us ne bheje hain
phuul hī phuul yaad aate haiñ
aap jab jab bhī muskurāte haiñ
phul hi phul yaad aate hain
aap jab jab bhi muskuraate hain
Tags: Phooland 1 more
phuul khile haiñ likhā huā hai toḌo mat
aur machal kar jī kahtā hai chhoḌo mat
Blossomed flowers and ‘do not pluck’ is diktat,
But the spirited heart says this: ‘don’t leave that’.
Sagar Akbarabadi
phul khile hain likha hua hai toDo mat
aur machal kar ji kahta hai chhoDo mat
Blossomed flowers and ‘do not pluck’ is diktat,
But the spirited heart says this: ‘don’t leave that’.
Sagar Akbarabadi
Tags: Phooland 1 more
ḳhudā ke vāste gul ko na mere haath se lo
mujhe bū aatī hai is meñ kisī badan kī sī
KHuda ke waste gul ko na mere hath se lo
mujhe bu aati hai is mein kisi badan ki si
Tags: Badanand 1 more
tire laboñ ko milī hai shaguftagī gul kī
hamārī aañkh ke hisse meñ jharne aa.e haiñ
tere labon ko mili hai shaguftagi gul ki
hamari aankh ke hisse mein jharne aae hain
itnā nārāz ho kyuuñ us ne jo patthar pheñkā
us ke hāthoñ se kabhī phuul bhī aayā hogā
itna naraaz ho kyun us ne jo patthar phenka
us ke hathon se kabhi phul bhi aaya hoga
dil agar dil hai to vābasta-e-ġham bhī hogā
nik.hat-e-gul bhī kahīñ gul se judā rahtī hai
if truly this is a heart it will be filled with pain
like the fragrance of the flower does in the flower remain
dil agar dil hai to wabasta-e-gham bhi hoga
nikhat-e-gul bhi kahin gul se juda rahti hai
if truly this is a heart it will be filled with pain
like the fragrance of the flower does in the flower remain
hamesha hāthoñ meñ hote haiñ phuul un ke liye
kisī ko bhej ke mañgvāne thoḌī hote haiñ
hamesha hathon mein hote hain phul un ke liye
kisi ko bhej ke mangwane thoDi hote hain
ka.ī tarah ke tahā.if pasand haiñ us ko
magar jo kaam yahāñ phuul se nikaltā hai
kai tarah ke tahaif pasand hain us ko
magar jo kaam yahan phul se nikalta hai
aap chhū dekheñ kisī ġhunche ko apne haath se
ġhuncha gul ho jā.egā aur gul chaman ho jā.egā
aap chhu dekhen kisi ghunche ko apne hath se
ghuncha gul ho jaega aur gul chaman ho jaega